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Medical Alert Bracelets for Children 8/8/2006
| Children aren't exempt from having medical conditions, so it is important for those who do have medical problems to wear a child medical alert bracelet.
Medical Alert Services 8/8/2006
| Certain companies provide Medical Alert Services not only to senior citizens, but also to persons of all ages who suffer from critical medical conditions which may deteriorate suddenly and necessitate an SOS for immediate help ...
Medical Alert System 8/8/2006
| Medical Alerts or alarm systems are not only useful for the old, infirm or weak, but also for those who are recovering from surgery and cannot move about easily. ...
Medical Alert Devices 8/8/2006
| Medical Alert devices are electronic gadgets worn on your body to alert your family, friends and doctor in case of a medical emergency. ...
Medical Alert Alarms 8/8/2006
| Consider a situation when you are taking a bath and suddenly you feel congestion in your heart, and are about to collapse. ...
Auto Medical Alert Systems 8/8/2006
| Auto medical alert systems are emergency response systems designed to overcome any life threatening situation. ...
Electronic Medical Alert Systems 8/8/2006
| Electronic medical alert system is an emergency monitoring system for seniors and frail persons. It serves as an invaluable security and safety device for seniors living alone. ...
Home Medical Alert Systems 8/8/2006
| Home medical alert systems are medical alert systems designed to help individuals and senior citizens who are often at home alone.
Medical Alert Systems 8/8/2006
| Medical alert systems are valuable tools that help persons to remain independent and feel confident of getting help during emergency situations. ...
Medical Alert Cards 8/8/2006
| Almost everyone suffers from one form of malady or another. Besides, the strain of cutthroat work environments may make you vulnerable to nervous and even physical breakdowns. ...
Medical Alert Devices 8/8/2006
| Medical Alert devices are electronic gadgets worn on your body to alert your family, friends and doctor in case of a medical emergency. ...
Medical Alert System For Senior 8/8/2006
| medical alert system is a personal emergency response system providing fast response to patients who face life threatening events. ...
Maintaining Up To Date Medical Records 7/20/2006 Edward Ricci
| Having up to date medical records and emergency information available is vital during a medical emergency, and it is not uncommon for people to be evacuated hundreds of miles from home due to natural disasters. Todays technology allows you to be prepared for those situations with a medical alert device that is easy to use and convenient to carry. ...
Hypoglycemia 6/22/2006
| Hypoglycemia (hypoglycaemia in the UK and Canada) is a medical term referring to a pathologic state produced by a lower than normal amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood. The term hypoglycemia literally means "low blood sugar". ...
Diabetic Ketoacidosis 6/22/2006
| Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is one consequence of severe, out-of-control diabetes mellitus (chronic high blood sugar, or hyperglycemia). In a diabetes sufferer, DKA begins with relative deficiency in insulin. In the most common cases, this is due to failure to take prescribed insulin. ...
Diabetic Coma 6/22/2006
| Diabetic coma is a medical emergency in which a person with diabetes mellitus is comatose (unconscious) because of one of three acute complications of diabetes. ...
Dehydration 6/22/2006
| Medically, dehydration is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition in which the body contains an insufficient volume of water for normal functioning. The term "volume depletion" is similar to dehydration, but it refers to the loss of salts as well as water. Also see Hypovolemia. ...
| Addison's disease (also known as chronic adrenal insufficiency or hypocortisolism) is a rare endocrine disorder. The disease was first described by British physician Thomas Addison in his 1855 publication: On the Constitutional and Local Effects of Disease of the Suprarenal Capsules. ...
Ventricular Fibrillation 6/22/2006
| Ventricular fibrillation (V-fib or VF) is a cardiac condition that consists of a lack of coordination of the contraction of the muscle tissue of the large chambers of the heart that eventually leads to the heart stopping altogether. ...
Subdural Hematoma 6/22/2006
| A subdural hemorrhage (SDH), is a form of traumatic brain injury in which blood collects between the dura (the outer protective covering of the brain) and the arachnoid (the middle layer of the meninges). Unlike in epidural hematomas. ...
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 6/22/2006
| A subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is bleeding into the subarachnoid space surrounding the brain, i.e., the area between the arachnoid and the pia mater. It may arise due to trauma or spontaneously. ...
Hypertensive Emergency 6/22/2006
| A hypertensive emergency is severe hypertension with acute impairment of an organ system (especially the central nervous system, cardiovascular system and/or the renal system) and the possibility of irreversible organ-damage. ...
Cardiac tamponade 6/22/2006
| Cardiac tamponade is a medical emergency condition where liquid accumulates in the pericardium in a relatively short time. The elevated pericardial pressure prevents proper filling of heart cavities. ...
Cardiac arrhythmia 6/22/2006
| Cardiac arrhythmia is a group of conditions in which the muscle contraction of the heart is irregular or is faster or slower than normal. Cardiac dysrhythmia is technically more correct, as arrhythmia would imply that there is "no rhythm," but this term is not used frequently. ...
Cardiac Arrest 6/22/2006
| A cardiac arrest, or circulatory arrest, is the abrupt cessation of normal circulation of the blood due to failure of the heart to contract effectively during systole. ...
Bleeding 6/22/2006
| Bleeding is the loss of blood from the body. Hemorrhage (AE) or haemorrhage (BE) is the medical term for bleeding. In common usage, a hemorrhage means particularly severe bleeding; although technically it means escape of blood to extravascular space. ...
Aortic dissection 6/22/2006
| Aortic dissection is a tear in the wall of the aorta (the largest artery of the body). This tear causes blood to flow between the layers of the wall of the aorta and dissects the layers apart. Aortic dissection is a medical emergency and can quickly lead to death. ...
Aortic aneurysm 6/22/2006
| An aortic aneurysm is a general term for any swelling (dilatation or aneurysm) of the aorta, usually representing an underlying weakness in the wall of the aorta at that location. While the stretched vessel may occasionally cause discomfort. ...
Air embolism 6/22/2006
| An air embolism, or more generally gas embolism, is a medical condition caused by gas bubbles in the bloodstream. Small amounts of air often get into the blood circulation accidentally during surgery and other medical procedures. ...
Infection 6/22/2006
| An infection is the detrimental colonization of a host organism by a foreign species. In infection, the infecting organism seeks to utilize the host's resources in order to multiply (usually at the expense of the host). ...
Burn (injury) 6/22/2006
| In medicine, a burn is a type of injury to the skin caused by heat, electricity, chemicals, or radiation (an example of the latter is sunburn). ...
Sepsis 6/22/2006
| Sepsis is a serious medical condition, resulting from the immune response to a severe infection. Septicemia is sepsis of the bloodstream caused by bacteremia, which is the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream . ...
Septic arthritis 6/22/2006
| Septic arthritis is the proliferation of bacteria in joints and resultant inflammation. Bacteria are either carried by the bloodstream from an infectious focus elsewhere or are introduced by a skin lesion that penetrates the joint. ...
Venom Poisoning 6/22/2006
| Venom or zootoxin (literally, animal poison) is any of a variety of poisons used by several groups of animal species, for the purpose of defence and hunting prey. Though subjective, the definition of a venom differs from a poison (as used in most zoology and medicine texts). ...
Food-borne Illness 6/22/2006
| A food-borne illness or food poisoning is any illness resulting from the consumption of food contaminated with pathogenic bacteria, toxins, viruses, prions or parasites. Such contamination usually arises from improper handling. ...
Peritonitis 6/22/2006
| Peritonitis is inflammation (often due to infection) of the peritoneum, which is a two-layered serous membrane covering both the surfaces of the organs that lie in the abdominal cavity and the inner surface of the abdominal cavity itself. ...
Pancreatitis 6/22/2006
| Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. ...
Abdominal pain 6/22/2006
| Abdominal pain can be one of the symptoms associated with transient disorders or serious disease. Making a definitive diagnosis of the cause of a person's abdominal pain can be quite difficult, because so many diseases can result in this symptom. ...
Chest pain 6/22/2006
| In medicine, chest pain is a symptom of a number of serious conditions and is generally considered a medical emergency, unless the patient is a known angina pectoris sufferer and the symptoms are familiar . ...
Physical Trauma 6/22/2006
| Physical trauma refers to a physical injury. In medicine, however, the words trauma patient usually refer to someone who has suffered serious and life-threatening physical injury potentially resulting in secondary complications such as shock, respiratory failure and death. ...
Frostbite 6/22/2006
| Frostbite (congelation in medical terminology) is the medical condition where damage is caused to skin and other tissues due to extreme cold. At or below 59° Fahrenheit (15° Celsius), blood vessels close to the skin start to narrow (constrict). ...
Hypothermia 6/22/2006
| Hypothermia is a medical condition in which the victim's core body temperature has dropped to significantly below normal and normal metabolism begins to be impaired. This begins to occur when the core temperature drops below 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit). ...
Malignant hyperthermia 6/22/2006
| Malignant hyperthermia (MH or MHS for "malignant hyperthermia syndrome", or "malignant hyperpyrexia due to anesthesia") is a life-threatening condition resulting from a genetic sensitivity of skeletal muscles to volatile anesthetics and depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs that occurs during or after anaesthesia. ...
Hyperthermia 6/22/2006
| Hyperthermia, in its advanced state referred to as heat stroke or sunstroke, is an acute condition, which occurs when the body produces or absorbs more heat than it can dissipate. It is usually due to excessive exposure to heat. ...
Gangrene 6/22/2006
| Gangrene is necrosis and subsequent decay of body tissues caused by infection or thrombosis or lack of blood flow. It is usually the result of critically insufficient blood supply sometimes caused by injury and subsequent contamination with bacteria. ...
Electric shock 6/22/2006
| An electric shock can occur upon contact of a human or animal body with any source of voltage high enough to cause sufficient current flow through the muscles or nerves. The minimum detectable current in humans is thought to be about 1 milliampere (mA). ...
Drug overdose 6/22/2006
| A drug overdose occurs when a chemical substance (i.e. drug) is ingested in quantities and/or concentrations large enough to overwhelm the homeostasis of a living organism, causing severe illness or death. Essentially it is a type of poisoning. ...
Fracture 6/22/2006
| A fracture is the separation of a body into two, or more, pieces under the action of stress.The word fracture is often applied to bones of living creatures, or to crystals or crystalline materials, such as gemstones or metal. ...
Appendicitis 6/22/2006
| Appendicitis, or epityphlitis, is a condition characterized by inflammation of the appendix. While mild cases may resolve without treatment, most require removal of the inflamed appendix, either by laparotomy or laparoscopy. Untreated, mortality is high, mainly due to peritonitis and shock. ...
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| More information... | A Guide To Medical Alerts Medical alerts are devices that help the patient, to get adequate help of the right type during an emergency. They have become an acceptable and obligatory fashion accessory in the present day world.... | Home Medical Alert Systems Home medical alert systems are medical alert systems designed to help individuals and senior citizens who are often at home alone.... | Buying Medical Alert Systems It is advisable to buy a medical alert system before disaster strikes. Many people wait for an emergency to arise before buying a medical alert device.... | Discount Medical Alert Systems Medical alert systems are necessary in case of elderly people staying alone or in case of patients with problems such as heart disease, Alzheimers or asthma.... | Medical Alert Bracelets for Diabetics If you or someone you love has diabetes, getting a diabetic medical alert bracelet is imperative. Because of the nature of the condition, diabetics can have medical emergencies at any time.... | Auto Medical Alert Systems Auto medical alert systems are emergency response systems designed to overcome any life threatening situation. It is a small and non-intrusive device providing independence, security and fast response... | Electronic Medical Alert Systems Electronic medical alert system is an emergency monitoring system for seniors and frail persons. It serves as an invaluable security and safety device for seniors living alone... | Emergency Medical Alert Systems Emergency medical alert systems are designed to provide medical help in emergency situations. These are medical alert systems extremely helpful in situations that arise from injuries or illnesses... | Medical Alert Bracelets Fashionable medical identification jewelry is a perfect solution for those who suffer from critical medical conditions like epilepsy, stroke, diabetes, heart transplant, fainting fits, asthma, memory ... | Medical Alert Services Certain companies provide Medical Alert Services not only to senior citizens, but also to persons of all ages who suffer from critical medical conditions which may deteriorate suddenly and necessitate... | Medical Alert Wristwatches Medical alerts are devices that have been responsible for saving quite a few lives. They are available in various types. Some of them are in the form of wristwatches that can be worn by the patient.... | Medical Alert Cards Almost everyone suffers from one form of malady or another. Besides, the strain of cutthroat work environments may make you vulnerable to nervous and even physical breakdowns.... | Medical Alert ID The information on the medical IDs saves the precious time taken for diagnosis and ensures timely treatment. Medical alert identifications are a sure shot way to get immediate treatment in emergency.... | Medical Alert Alarm Medical alert alarms are alarm systems that are used to summon immediate medical attention in emergency situations. ... | Medical Alert Tags Medical alert tags are medical identification tags that contain important medical information of the person wearing it. ... | Medical Alert Jewelry The medical information of the person such as drug allergies, food allergies, their prescribed medicines and even emergency phone numbers can be engraved on a medical alert jewelry... | How to choose a medical alert system? A consumer best chooses a medical alert system depending on his particular situation, budget and needs. Choosing a medical Alert system for an emergency is not an easy task. ... | What are Medical Alert Systems? They prove helpful during an in home emergency. These are electronic wireless devices worn on your body to alert friends, family and doctors in case of any medical emergency.... | Medical Alert Products Patients suffering from serious health conditions such as cardiac problems, severe allergies, diabetes, epilepsy and other chronic illness are in need of medical alert products. ... | Medical Alert Systems Most of the alert systems are connected through your phone line and are similar to an answering machine. A typical medical alert system is a console that is equipped with a very loud speaker ... | |
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