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Awareness Saves, Medical id alert jewelry, can save your life. These must contain your medical information, this provider is state approved and can engrave stainless steel medical id alert jewelry....
Protect yourself and family update your medical identification alert jewerly with current information. Awareness Saves Wear your Medical ID alert jewelry Medical identification alert jewelry is for anyone with a medical condition thatáemergency personnel should be aware of immediately. Diabetes , childhood asthma, bee sting allergy , drug allergies, peanut allergy (especially in children) alzheimers disease, latex allergy, epilepsy and many more should be clearly visable on the medical identification alert jewelry_id bracelet. Travel Tips Have a medical check-up. Obtain a doctor's note, stating your medical condition, treatment needs, and your doctor's phone number. Gastric bypass is more common these days, be safe, medical bracelets can advise ems personnel not to use a ng tube. Be sure to carry your health insurer's address and phone number. Have vaccinations well in advance to prevent unexpected reactions. Pack enough oral medication, insulin and syringes, epi-pens...